Sunday, March 17, 2019


After our casting call expired, we looked to see all of our auditions, and nobody really stood out for the part of our lead.

Some were very timid and others just completely missed the emotional beats in the audition. 

After some discussion, we figured it would be better if I just played the lead role for the introduction and called up one of the actors from the site to play the role of the victim.

This is going to add another level of difficulty to the project because I was supposed to be behind the camera, but now that I am acting in it, I can't do it.

Since my partner does not know how to use the camera with the same fluidity as I do, it may slow down production and/or we might have to take a day for her to practice a bit with the camera.

Aside from that, I am not an actor. I still think I can do a better job than all the people who auditioned, but that doesn't actually mean I have any natural talent.

I'm going to have to be able to cry on command and also convey the rollercoaster of emotions that Trevor goes through in the opening... I hope this works out...

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