Monday, March 4, 2019

Getting Actors

Our film opening requires the participation of two actors. Given the violent and twisted nature of the piece, we understood that getting any friends or family to act would be difficult, so we decided to turn to a very helpful resource for finding actors called

I have posted casting calls on here before for past projects and it has worked out pretty well. Most of the submissions are not very good, but there are always one or two hidden gems who are very talented and committed.

By posting a casting call and using aspiring actors in our film, we can ensure that the people on screen are motivated and have a certain degree of understanding in the craft.

The casting calls can get a little pricey for high school students but I found a coupon online that gave us 50% off, which made the price very manageable.

After making an account, we filled out a casting call sheet that asked for a description of the project and the details of production.

We also had to give descriptions for the characters and the kind of people we were looking for.

Overall, is a great resource for filmmakers and actors alike. Despite living in area where there isn't a big film or theater presence, we still are given access to great talent.

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