Monday, April 6, 2020

4K and a slow computer

Hi. I have a pretty old mac with about 7gb left of storage on the disk and 8gb of RAM. I'm not a computer nerd and I don't pretend to be, but every single online support and internet forum says that these conditions are extremely difficult to edit with.

I knew that I had a very slow computer, but I thought... you know what? I'm going to shoot this film in 4k anyway. I really like how the 4k looks on my camera. I shot my AS-Level project in 4k and loved how it turned out. The image is impeccable, but it takes me probably 4-5 times longer to edit in 4k than normal 1080p.

I did a little research and it turns out the answer is simple: just create proxies. Proxies are apparently lower quality versions of the 4k file that are easier to edit on. PERFECT! All I had to was shoot in 4k and then proxies would save me.

I shot my first day entirely in 4k and I was so impressed by the results.

Here's a shot. No color correction/grade yet.

I ended up with about 18gb of footage, which really was like 5 minutes of footage. I wanted to start editing to get an idea of what the film would look like and I started to ingest the videos and create the proxies. 

I thought these proxies were going to be a quick and easy fix, but Premiere Pro estimated about 5 hours to create the proxies then crashed after 20 minutes.

4k is out the window. I will be reshooting most of the shots from my first day in 1080p. 

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